Territorial organization
The Universidad Internacional de Andalucía has got campuses in four Andalusian provinces: Seville (Sta. María de las Cuevas Campus, in La Cartuja monastery), Jaén (Antonio Machado Campus in Baeza), Huelva (Santa Maria de La Rabida Campus) and Málaga (Technological Campus). The almost 400 Km separating the different campuses do not mean an obstacle for the implementation of UNIA’s Project, right on the contrary,they allow for a more fluid communication with the Andalusian socioeconomic fabric.On the other hand, the decentralisation of its campuses has allowed for each of them toacquire a progressive specialisation in terms of preferential theme lines, study format,cooperation spaces, etc., which have diversified and enriched the action spheres of the UNIA.
The consolidation of the four Campuses of the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía has been a progressive process, since the institution included initially theAntonio Machado Campus in Baeza in the Jabalquinto Palace and the Former CouncilSeminar and the Santa Maria de La Rabida Campus, located in the so-called “Collumbine Sites” in Huelva. Both campuses had conducted academic activities inpast decades, linked to the Universities of Granada and Seville respectively, andtherefore, when the joined the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía as basic pillars they contributed a long university tradition. Later, in 1997 the Seville Campus isestablished, hosting the Rectorate of the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía,located in the facilities of the Santa Maria de las Cuevas Monastery on the Isla de la
Cartuja, in the same area in which – together with other university and cultural institutions – the Cartuja 93 Scientific and Technological Park is located, hosting animportant number of firms and one of the references in regional innovation. Finally, theTechnological Campus of Malaga was established in 2000 in the Technological Park of Andalusia, another landmark among innovative areas in Andalusia.
The campuses of the UNIA, in addition of hosting excellent facilities for the development of academic life, are located in important heritage sites, such as La Rabida Site – these facilities are currently undergoing an important refurbishing and enlargement -, the monumental site of Santa Maria de las Cuevas Monastery in Seville or the Jabalquinto Palace in Baeza, a city that has been declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The rehabilitation works of the palace obtained in 2005 the Award for interventions in World Heritage Sites of the Spanish Ministry of Culture. Additionally, with regards to the geographical implantation of the UNIA we must also highlight its presence in the two above-mentioned Andalusian scientific-technological parks, which allows it to progress in its focus on technological innovation and in becoming a meeting and exchange place for scientific knowledge and experiences.