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Formación continua/ Ciencias/ 2735


Dr Carmen Díaz-Paniagua. Researcher at Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC). Spain.

Dr. Margarita Florencio. RyC Researcher at Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC). Spain.

  • pendiente inicio
  • Desde: 28 May 2025
  • Hasta: 30 May 2025
  • Presencial
  • Sede de La Rábida
  • Investigadora
  • inglés
  • 20 horas
  • 400
  • 35


Temporary ponds are important aquatic habitats for the conservation of species with singular life cycles and characteristics. These water bodies may have wide or reduced extensions, but usually are shallow and dry up recurrently as main characteristic. Therefore, temporary ponds have a dry and a flooded phase, so the aquatic organisms that inhabit them must be able to withstand dry periods.

The aquatic species living in these habitats use different mechanisms to resist during the dry phase. Some species have drought-resistant forms, such as propagules or resistance cysts, from which new individuals would emerge in the following flood phase; others are able to actively migrate to other ponds as flying individuals when their habitats dry out; others have life cycles with alternant aquatic and terrestrial phases, living in these ponds during their reproductive or larval period adjusting their life-cycles to each pond hydroperiod, etc. Due to such different strategies, they are considered singular species, which find in these singular ecosystems a refuge free of common predators that typically occur in permanent water bodies.

Their small sizes and the fact that they regularly dry out have made these ponds invisible for a long time as a neglected biodiversity, and in many cases, they have tended to be transformed or have disappeared in most European countries. The conservation of this type of habitats is nowadays considered a priority in order to preserve their large number of endemic and rare species. Among the main groups of organisms living in this type of habitats, it can be highlighted the amphibians, macroinvertebrates (Coleoptera; Díptera; Heteroptera; Odonata), crustaceans (Branchiopoda, Ostracoda and Copepoda) and a high diversity of aquatic macrophytes (vascular plants, bryophytes and charophytes.

Temporary ponds are an essential resource which play an important role in the maintenance of the biodiversity, and in the generation of ecosystem services. At the regional and landscape level, temporary ponds contribute as much or even more to biodiversity than the equivalent area of other higher aquatic ecosystems (e.g., rivers, and lakes), harbouring more species and reaching higher conservation value. They provide ecosystems services, such as freshwater supply, food (fish, crustaceans, algae, plants), wood, fibre, biofuels, genetic resources and natural medicines. In addition, they also contribute in pollination processes, climate regulation, water and soil quality, flood control, soil erosion, disease control, organic matter decomposition, water purification and pollutant sequestration. Historically, they have been the subject of numerous cultural values for their aesthetic inspiration, spiritual and educational experiences, recreational purposes, symbolic value in mythology, religions and different cultures, and their contribution to human welfare. They foster the development and enhancement of biodiversity by acting as intermittent ecological corridors or stepping stones.


  • Plan de estudios

    Wednesday, May 28th

     9:00-9:15: Welcome and Workshop presentation
    SESSION 1. The importance of Temporary Ponds
    Chair: Margarita Florencio
    9:15-9:45: Carla Pinto-Cruz (University of Evora, Portugal)
    Title: Challenges and lessons learned from Mediterranean Temporary ponds conservation actions
     9:45-10:15: Laila Rhazi (Mohammed V University, Morocco)
    Title: The Vegetation of Temporary Ponds in Morocco Under Climatic and Anthropogenic Forcings
    10:15-10:45: Federico Marrone (University of Palermo, Italy)
    Title: Biodiversity inventories in inland waters: coping with our knowledge shortfalls in the era of eDNA
    10:45- 11:15: Jeremy Biggs (Freshwater Aquatic Habitats, UK)
    Title: Present status of temporary ponds in Britain and Europe

    11:15-11:45: Coffee break and Poster reading

    11:45-12:15: Stéphanie Gascón (University of Girona, Spain)
    Title: Unveiling drivers of Temporary Pond Biodiversity at Multiple Scales
    12:15-12:45: Miguel Alonso (University of Barcelona, Spain)
    Title: Mongolian lakes as an ecological reference system for Iberian lakes: insights for the conservation of temporary ponds
    12:45-13:15: Laura Serrano (University of Seville, Spain)
    Title: Once upon a pond: the case of the vanishing Doñana temporary ponds (SW Spain)

    14:00-15:30: BREAK FOR LUNCH

    SESSION 2. Threat prioritization and remediation for temporary ponds
    Chair: Carmen Díaz-Paniagua
    15:30-16:00: Sandra Brucet (University of Vic-Central de Catalunya, Spain):
    Title: Ponderful: nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation.
    16:00-16:30: Zsófia Horváth (Institute of Aquatic Ecology in Budapest, Hungary)
    Title: The importance of habitat connectivity for biodiversity in temporary ponds
    16:30-17:00: M. Florencio (Estación Biológica de Doñana-CSIC, Spain)
    Title: Conservation perspectives of invertebrate assemblages of temporary ponds facing global change.

    17:00-17:30: COFFEE BREAK

    SESSION 3. The impact of large branchiopods as ecosystem engineers
    Chair: Margarita Florencio
    17:30-18:00: Juan García de Lomas (I+D Research Group on Structure and dynamics of aquatic ecosystems, Spain)
    Title: Tools to conserve temporary ponds and large branchiopods: the case of gambilusa (Linderiella baetica).
    18:00-18:30: Luc Brendonck (the KU Leuven University, Belgium)                                                   

    Title: Land-Use Footprints: Shaping Large Branchiopod Communities in Temporary Ponds           

    18:30-19:00: Bram Vanschoenwinkel (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)                                         

    Title: Using large Branchiopods as models for programs of pond restoration.                               

    19:00-19:30: Bartłomiej Gołdyn (Adam Mickiewicza University in Poznan, Poland)                         

    Title: Diversity and conservation of large Branchiopods in Poland                                                   

    19:30- 20:15: Poster session (short talks of participants about posters of SS2 and discussion)

    21:00: DINNER

    Thursday, 29th May

    9:00- 11:00: Bus for the trip to Doñana National Park
    11:00-11:30: Carmen Díaz-Paniagua (Estación Biológica de Doñana-CSIC, Spain)
    Title: Threats to the Biodiversity of an iconic Pond network: Doñana National Park
    11:30-14:00: Visit to the Doñana Biological Reserve

    14:00-16:00: LUNCH

    16:00-18:00: Visit to the Park facilities
    18:30: BUS to La Rábida

    21:00: DINNER

    Friday, 30th May

    • SESSION 4. Round Table about the Conservation and Restauration of Temporary Ponds in Europe
    09:00-11:00: Round Table with participants and stake holders in streaming
    11:00-11:30: General Conclusions
    11:30: Farewell to the assistants

  • Dr Carmen Díaz-Paniagua. Researcher at Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC). Spain.

    Dr. Margarita Florencio. RyC Researcher at Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC). Spain.


    Dr Carmen Díaz-Paniagua.Researcher at Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC). Spain.

    Dr. Margarita Florencio. RyC Researcher at Estación Biológica de Doñanadni (CSIC). Spain

    Dr. Bram Vanschoenwinkel
    Community Ecology Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Belgium.
    Dr. Luc Brendonck
    Animal Ecology, Global Change and Sustainable Development Lab, KU Leuven University. Belgium.
    Dr. Bartłomiej Gołdyn
    Institute of Environmental Biology, Adam Mickiewicza University in Poznan. Poland.
    Dr. Laila Rhazi
    Mohammed V University in Rabat. Morocco.
    Dr. Zsófia Horváth
    Institute of Aquatic Ecology in Budapest. Hungary.
    Dr. Carla Pinto-Cruz
    Departamento Biología, University of Evora. Portugal.
    Dr. Juan García de Lomas
    I+D Research Group on Structure and dynamics of aquatic ecosystems. Spain.
    Dr. Federico Marrone
    Laboratorio di Filogenesi e Filogeografia. University of Palermo. Italy
    Dr. Miguel Alonso
    University of Barcelona. Spain.
    Dr. Stéphanie Gascón
    Institut d’Ecologia Aquàtica, Universitat de Girona. Spain.
    Dr. Laura Serrano
    Dep. Biología Vegetal y Ecología, Universidad de Sevilla. Spain.
    Dr. Sandra Brucet
    Aquatic Ecology Group, University of Vic-Central de Cataluña. Spain.
    Dr. Jeremy Biggs
    Oxford Brookes University, and Freshwater Habitats Trust. United Kingdom.



The workshop will bring together 15 specialists in aquatic organisms from temporary ponds. Conferences will start on Wednesday 28th May, including a field trip to Doñana National Park on Thursday, in which conferences will continue at the facilities of the Doñana Biological Reserve (CSIC).

A general discussion among all participants will be held on the morning of Friday 30th May, to which stakeholders will be invited to attend on line.

Up to 30 additional participants are encouraged to present a Poster communication with short explanation in intermediate sessions of the Workshop.


The workshop will be held at La Rábida-UNIA, a headquarter of the International University of Andalucía (UNIA) at Huelva (Spain).

This site includes a recently restored residence, where speakers and participants will be accommodated. This same space is where the meetings will be held, which facilitates social interaction and informal discussions.


We recommend all participants to stay in the University Residence, which is located in the same space where the Meetings will take place, to facilitate social interaction and informal discussions.

The accommodation in the University Residence is in shared double rooms, € 20/day and single rooms €40/day. To make the reservation and the corresponding payment you must be previously registered for the workshop and then contact: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.





A) Applicants must complete an application form and submit it, along with:

A brief C.V.
A summary of the current research work of the candidate.

In case of presenting a poster, a summary of the poster of no more than one page, with the title, authorship, research center/institution/university, address and a summary of the communication.

See section "presentation of panels and posters”.

Application form (odt)
Application form (doc)*:

En cumplimiento del Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (Reglamento (UE) 2016/679), se le informa que los datos personales que se puedan recopilar se incorporarán y procesarán en algunos de los archivos de la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA); los datos pueden divulgarse según lo previsto por la ley.
La autoridad responsable de los datos es: UNIA: Secretaría General (Secretario General). C / Américo Vespucio nº 2, Isla de la Cartuja. 41092 - SEVILLA, ESPAÑA.

Puede ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, eliminación y oposición contactando por escrito con la dirección mencionada anteriormente, a la atención del Delegado de Protección de Datos, o enviando un correo electrónico a Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo., o dirigiéndose al Servicio al Cliente de cualquiera de las sedes de la UNIA. Su derecho fundamental a la protección de datos.

B) Send the completed Application Form (doc/odt) and the attached documents as separate text files and in a single email message, to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo., no later than 14th March 2025.

Selected applicants (with or without poster) will be notified directly. From that moment on, they must pay the corresponding registration fees*.


Registration: 400,00 € (lunch, coffe-breaks and dinner included and field trip) see preliminary program 
Payment method: bank transfer to ‘La Caixa’
IBAN (international bank account number): ES78 21009166752200074348

Registration fees deadline 14 th March 2025
Selected applicants must indicate their full name and code number (it will appear in the webpage) in the bank transfer. After completing your payment by bank transfer, a proof of payment must be sent to: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..

The bank charges generated by the bank transfer will be paid by the applicants/attendees.

WORKSHOP panels/posters guidelines:

The scheduled dates for the presentation of panels/posters are:

A. Deadline to present the complete panels in digital format 14th MARCH 2025.

Presentation of the proposal: through the registration form in the Worhshop.

Shipping address for panels/posters: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

o For the oral presentation of posters it is essential to have formalized registration and payment of the Workshop.
o The co-director of the Workshop will indicate and assign the session in which to present the work.
o The organization will certify the effective presentation of each panel/poster during the Workshop.
o Each author individually or collectively may present a maximum of 2 panels.
o Researchers may display their panel in the campus facilities. To do this, they must bring their work printed in DIN A0 vertical format (84.1 x 118.9 cm) and arrange it in the provided fastening systems.


Matrícula y becas

Situación actual:

  • pendiente inicio

Conoce nuestro propio programa de becas y consulta en las bases de la convocatoria los casos donde la beca contempla exención de precios o una ayuda económica.


Los estudios de formación continua son enseñanzas de ampliación, especialización, perfeccionamiento y/o actualización de conocimientos destinados a cubrir áreas temáticas concretas de interés, con unos objetivos bien definidos, que permiten responder de una forma ágil y eficaz a las distintas demandas de conocimiento de la sociedad.

No están sujetos a requisitos de acceso.

Becas y ayudas

Programa de becas y ayudas de la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía.

La Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, como complemento a las convocatorias de la Administración General del Estado y de la Comunidad Autónoma, en el ejercicio de sus competencias y de acuerdo con su disponibilidad presupuestaria, establecerá para cada curso académico un programa de becas y ayudas al estudio.  

Las modalidades y cuantías de las becas y ayudas, las condiciones académicas y económicas que hayan de reunir los candidatos, el procedimiento de gestión, así como los supuestos de incompatibilidad, revocación y reintegro y cuantos requisitos, condiciones socio-económicas u otros factores sean precisos para el acceso a las citadas becas y ayudas se regularán por su propia normativa que, en todo caso, debe asegurar los principios de igualdad y equidad, atendiendo a la promoción del rendimiento académico.

Información e incidencias en la automatrícula

Para cualquier incidencia técnica durante su automatrícula, puede contactar con la dirección de correo electrónico: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. indicando nombre, apellidos y programa en que se está automatriculando.

Enlace al Manual de ayuda a la automatrícula

Abono de los precios públicos

Los precios públicos a satisfacer en la matrícula serán determinados en la convocatoria de la actividad ofertada.

La eficacia de la matrícula formalizada y de los actos administrativos que de ella pudieran derivarse quedará demorada hasta tanto no se produzca el pago de la totalidad de los precios públicos establecidos. El impago de la misma implicará el desistimiento de la solicitud de matrícula.

Certificaciones académicas

La Universidad Internacional de Andalucía acreditará los logros académicos obtenidos por sus estudiantes mediante la emisión del correspondiente certificado de asistencia o diploma de aprovechamiento, siempre que el estudiante haya asistido al 80% de las clases. El certificado de asistencia se expedirá en aquellos casos en que el programa no contemple ninguna evaluación o el/la alumno/a no la haya superado. Si el programa cuenta con evaluación y el/la alumno/a la supera, recibirá un diploma de aprovechamiento con la calificación obtenida. Estos documentos se emitirán una vez cumpla el alumnado con los requisitos establecidos en la convocatoria para su expedición.

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