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Formación continua/ Ciencias de la Salud

Workshops "Current Trends in Biomedicine"

  • Desde: 03 Octubre 2023
  • Hasta: 09 Noviembre 2023
  • Presencial
  • Sede Antonio Machado de Baeza
  • Investigadora y profesional
  • English / Inglés


The FOUR workshops “Current Trends in Biomedicine” to be held at the "Sede Antonio Machado" (Baeza, Spain) in autumn 2023 are (for more information, please also read below "General Information" and "Application and registration")


“Brain Metabolism and Energy Homeostasis”

3-5 October 2023                                            


  • Navdeep S. Chandel (Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Chicago, USA)
  • Patricia González-Rodríguez (Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBiS), Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC / Departamento de Fisiología Médica y Biofísica, Facultad de Medicina; Universidad de Sevilla / Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED). Sevilla, Spain)
  • Guadalupe Sabio (Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC). Madrid, Spain)


- More (and updated) Information by clicking at the bottom on "Otra información relevante de la titulación"--"MORE INFO BRAIN METABOLISM"

Application form (doc)

Application form (odt)


“The cellular and metabolic bases of organ fibrosis”

9-11 October 2023                                         


  • Santiago Lamas (Program of Physiological and Pathological Processes, Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa" (CBMSO, CSIC-UAM). Madrid, Spain)
  • Katalin Susztak (Renal, Electrolyte, and Hypertension Division, Department of Medicine / Institute for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism / Department of Genetics; Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, USA)


- More (and updated) information by clicking at the bottom on "Otra información relevante de la titulación"--"MORE INFO ORGAN FIBROSIS"

Application form (doc)

Application form (odt)


“Elements empowering RNA function: from bench to bedside”

24-26 October 2023                                            


  • Puri Fortes (Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA), University of Navarra (UNAV) / Navarra Institute for Health Research (IdiSNA) / Liver and Digestive Diseases Networking Biomedical Research Centre (CIBERehd) / Spanish Network for Advanced Therapies (TERAV ISCIII) / Cancer Center Clinica Universidad de Navarra (CCUN). Pamplona, Spain)
  • Katja Petzold (Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institute. Stockholm / Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, Uppsala University. Uppsala; Sweden)
  • Igor Ulitsky (Department of Immunology and Regenerative Biology and Department of Molecular Neuroscience, Weizmann Institute of Science. Rehovot, Israel)


- More (and updated) Information by clicking at the bottom on "Otra información relevante de la titulación"--"MORE INFO RNA FUNCTION"

Application form (doc)

Application form (odt)


“Membrane Contact Sites in biology and disease”

7-9 November 2023


  • Francesc Palau (Department of Genetic Medicine & IPER, Sant Joan de Déu Children’s Hospital & Research Institute, and CIBERER, and Division of Pediatrics, University of BarcelonaSchool of Medicine and Health Sciences. Barcelona, Spain)
  • Luca Scorrano (Department of Biology, University of Padova / Veneto Institute of Molecular Medicine. Padova, Italy)
  • Antonio Zorzano (Department de Bioquímica i Biomedicina Molecular, Facultat de Biología / Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology / CIBER de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas (CIBERDEM), Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Barcelona, Spain)


- More (and updated) information by clicking at the bottom on "Otra información relevante de la titulación"--"MORE INFO MEMBRANE CONTACT SITES"

Application form (doc)

Application form (odt)



General Information

More information and questions: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

Biomedicine is a prime concern at the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA). In this context, the University continues in 2023 the programme "Current Trends in Biomedicine", started in 2004.

The purpose of these workshops is to promote and improve international cooperation and scientific exchanges on the Biomedicine field, thus promoting and facilitating scientific interaction, specially between Andalusian researchers and the international scientific community.

The conferences will be held over a three day period at UNIA's head office, Sede Antonio Machado, in Baeza (Andalusia, Spain) and the working language will be English. Sede Antonio Machado is in Plaza Santa María, in the historic city centre, facing the Cathedral. The head office has all the facilities required to host this series of workshops: computer room, library, class-rooms, and meeting rooms. It also has a hall of residence where those attending the conferences will be accommodated. Thus, social interaction and informal discussions will be facilitated.

Sede Antonio Machado offers the added advantage of being in the World Heritage city of Baeza (pop.:17,000).

The guest speakers are highly prestigious researchers with broad experience in the field concerned.

Attendance is restricted to 35 people, to complete a group of around 50, including the guest speakers. A certain number of places will be reserved for doctoral students and young PhDs. Participants are encouraged to exhibit a poster to communicate their outcomes. The organizers will select some of the submitted poster abstracts, so that their authors can present, in addition to the poster, a short talk (15-20 min.).

Applicants submitting a poster abstract will have preference in the selection procedure (if necessary), and participants without presenting a poster will be accepted only in case of available participation places when the application period is over.


Speakers and participants will be accommodated (if desired) in the residence hall at Sede Antonio Machado, where the workshops will be held.


Application and registration

Applicants must fill the Application form and send it, together with:

  • A summary of the current research work of candidate
  • A summary for the Poster (no more than one page, giving the title, authors, research centre, address and an abstract of the communication)


Application form (doc)

Application form (odt)


In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), you are informed that the personal data which may be collected will be incorporated and processed in some of the files of the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA); the data is able to be disclosed as foreseen by the Law.
The autority responsible for the data is:
UNIA: Secretaría General (Secretary-General)
C/ Américo Vespucio nº 2, Isla de la Cartuja
You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure and objection contacting in writing with the above mentioned address, to the attention of the Data Protection Delegate, or sending an e-mail to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo., or going to the Customer Service of any of the headquarters of the UNIA.
Your fundamental right to data protection.


Please send the completed Application Form and attached documents as separate Word files, in a single e-mail message, to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo., not later than the deadline for every workshop summoned for 2023.

The successful applicants will be notified after the selection takes place (after the deadline). Once their participation is confirmed, they will receive payment instructions and will have to pay the registration fee by bank transfer.

There are not scholarships for participants of these workshops.

Price for the workshops "Current Trends in Biomedicine" 2023 is:

Registration: 225 €
NOTE: This registration fee does NOT include accommodation, lunch or dinner during the workshop days.


Bank: CaixaBank
IBAN (International Bank Account Number): ES78 21009166752200074348

*Selected participants, after receiving payment instructions, must indicate the full name and the workshop title in the bank transfer. After the payment they will be requested to send a copy of the bank document to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

*Bank charges for the transfer are to be paid by the conference attendees


Call for proposals

There was an open call for proposals, until July 15th 2023, in order to organize workshops of the series "Current Trends in Biomedicine".

The workshops corresponding to the proposals selected by the Advisory Board for Biomedicine and approved by the Board of Governance of the UNIA will be held in OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2024.






Publication: 15 years of Baeza's workshops

Workshops anniversary publication The International University of Andalusia brings together in a special publication 15 years of history of the Current Trends in Biomedicine workshops. An essential scientific meeting series, where the latest advances in human health are analyzed every year.

Since 2004, the ‘Sede Antonio Machado’ in Baeza has hosted these workshops, in which more than 1,000 researchers from around the world have participated. A success that is due to the quality of the proposals received, the work of the UNIA Advisory Board for Biomedicine and a privileged environment.

Download PDF version or EPUB version


Matrícula y becas

Situación actual:

Conoce nuestro propio programa de becas y consulta en las bases de la convocatoria los casos donde la beca contempla exención de precios o una ayuda económica.


Los estudios de formación continua son enseñanzas de ampliación, especialización, perfeccionamiento y/o actualización de conocimientos destinados a cubrir áreas temáticas concretas de interés, con unos objetivos bien definidos, que permiten responder de una forma ágil y eficaz a las distintas demandas de conocimiento de la sociedad.

No están sujetos a requisitos de acceso.

Becas y ayudas

Programa de becas y ayudas de la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía.

La Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, como complemento a las convocatorias de la Administración General del Estado y de la Comunidad Autónoma, en el ejercicio de sus competencias y de acuerdo con su disponibilidad presupuestaria, establecerá para cada curso académico un programa de becas y ayudas al estudio.  

Las modalidades y cuantías de las becas y ayudas, las condiciones académicas y económicas que hayan de reunir los candidatos, el procedimiento de gestión, así como los supuestos de incompatibilidad, revocación y reintegro y cuantos requisitos, condiciones socio-económicas u otros factores sean precisos para el acceso a las citadas becas y ayudas se regularán por su propia normativa que, en todo caso, debe asegurar los principios de igualdad y equidad, atendiendo a la promoción del rendimiento académico.

Información e incidencias en la automatrícula

Para cualquier incidencia técnica durante su automatrícula, puede contactar con la dirección de correo electrónico: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. indicando nombre, apellidos y programa en que se está automatriculando.

Enlace al Manual de ayuda a la automatrícula

Abono de los precios públicos

Los precios públicos a satisfacer en la matrícula serán determinados en la convocatoria de la actividad ofertada.

La eficacia de la matrícula formalizada y de los actos administrativos que de ella pudieran derivarse quedará demorada hasta tanto no se produzca el pago de la totalidad de los precios públicos establecidos. El impago de la misma implicará el desistimiento de la solicitud de matrícula.

Certificaciones académicas

La Universidad Internacional de Andalucía acreditará los logros académicos obtenidos por sus estudiantes mediante la emisión del correspondiente certificado de asistencia o diploma de aprovechamiento, siempre que el estudiante haya asistido al 80% de las clases. El certificado de asistencia se expedirá en aquellos casos en que el programa no contemple ninguna evaluación o el/la alumno/a no la haya superado. Si el programa cuenta con evaluación y el/la alumno/a la supera, recibirá un diploma de aprovechamiento con la calificación obtenida. Estos documentos se emitirán una vez cumpla el alumnado con los requisitos establecidos en la convocatoria para su expedición.

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